Kristin Persson is the Director of the Molecular Foundry, a user facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL), a Professor at the University of California, Berkeley and a Faculty Senior Scientist at LBNL. She is the Director and co-founder of the Materials Project (www.materialsproject.org); one of the most visible of the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) funded programs attracting >200,000 users worldwide with thousands of unique users accessing the site every day. She is a leader in the MGI community, and applies modeling and data-driven methodologies to the innovation of materials for energy storage and production. She serves on the advisory board of NanoHub and FAIRmat and she is the appointed MGI ambassador for The Metal, Minerals, and Materials Society (TMS). She has received the 2018 DOE Secretary of Energy’s Achievement Award, the 2017 TMS Faculty Early Career Award, the 2020 Falling Walls Science and Innovation Management Award, the LBNL Director’s award for Exceptional Scientific Achievement (2013) and she is an 2021 APS and 2018 Kavli Fellow. She holds several patents in the clean energy space, and is among the world’s 1% most cited researchers. She has co-authored more than 230 peer-reviewed publications (h-index 81). Persson obtained her Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden in 2001.