Seed Funding Opportunity Available to Collaboration Cycle Participants
To encourage collaborations, you’ll be able to apply to a special $20,000 Collaboration Seed Fund after the event to help accelerate ideas and your new partnerships from this session! Eligible proposals must include two or more organizations. More information will be shared in the post-event email. Special thanks to University of California for supporting this Collaboration Seed Fund initiative. Click here for information on how to submit — deadline is April 6, 2022.
Have a 1-on-1 Meeting or Join a Roundtable
March 9, 2022 (11:25am–12:10pm PT)
Take advantage of this extraordinary convening of energy storage experts across many sectors to test drive ideas, ask questions, and learn the inherent challenges of this field from a new perspective. We’ve intentionally embedded time on the agenda to facilitate new connections between attendees in order to catalyze new partnerships and solutions, and are offering a matchmaking service to accelerate the process.

Want to meet someone you saw on the agenda, the event platform’s “Networking” tab, in the online Showcase, or as part of the PitchFest?
Choose one of these options:
You’ll have up to three 15-min slots during the Collaboration Cycles portion of the agenda to explore potential collaborations. You can directly request a 1-on-1 introductory meeting with any attendee from the “Networking” section of the event platform.
Take advantage of our energy storage matchmaking service*: Summit organizers can help you match with others who share your interests. Use this form to request a 1-on-1 meeting (deadline: March 4, 2022).

Want to find a small group discussion on a special theme?
Join a moderated roundtable during the Collaboration Cycles portion of the agenda for an opportunity to discuss industry needs and how researchers can help, new science and tech that could change the industry landscape in years to come, and various ways of accessing national lab resources. Explore partnerships and break down silos to accelerate energy storage solutions and create a community of energy storage professionals.
Roundtable themes include AI/ML, Battery Recycling, Lithium Valley, and much more — visit the Agenda page for full descriptions.
Feel free to join the Roundtables at any time, before or after your 1-on-1 meetings.

Participating in any of these Collaboration Cycle options will also increase your chance of winning one of our once-in-a-lifetime raffle prizes.
*Once a match is made (arranged by Summit organizers and communicated by March 7, 2022), the conference platform will send you a calendar meeting invite to your registered email. Please accept so that we know you’ll attend the meeting on March 9, 2022. We will try our best to arrange your requested meetings but cannot make any guarantees.