Kelly Sarber is a veteran executive with a successful track record developing projects and operating businesses in solar, offshore wind and energy storage, solid waste and recycling, wastewater, and alternative energy industries. Sarber founded her consulting company, Strategic Management Group (SMG), in 1990 to create a specialized business development service for clients who wanted to benefit from her extensive industry contacts, investments, and experience nationally, with focus in California, New York and Arizona. In 2017, Sarber sourced one of the nation’s largest renewable energy projects – a 3,200 MW solar with 800 MW of battery storage in Western Arizona set to start construction soon. With more than $5 billion asset value created, her complicated projects require a matrix of skill sets – including finance, regulatory and permitting approvals, crisis media and marketing, the design and implementation of media and political campaigns and tax equity to support efficient financing of deals. She brings a developers’ perspective to the energy storage space, coupled with her deep knowledge and understanding of how to develop this pivotal technology leading to some of the largest sites in development today.
Sarber’s management consulting company is considered one of the nation’s pioneers developing public private partnerships for the energy storage industry in congested, urban settings.. With long term, client relationships with key utilities like Southern California Edison and Sempra, municipalities like Los Angeles County, and private companies including Hanwha 174 Power Global, and Starwood Power, she brings her vast knowledge in one of the fastest growing sectors of energy today. Sarber recently was voted to the board of NY-BEST and has in development, the largest energy storage project in New York in addition to several projects in California.